Tim Ferriss was depressed most of the time and one time thought of ending his life. But he escaped that by fate of luck. Later he started a business and even here he felt overworked, restless, and unsure of how to fix his life. During this process he also lost all that was important to him.
At this time, he discovered and learnt something which changed the course of his life.
Later he published the 4-hour workweek, about his experiences and how he fixed his life. The book was a massive success and changed the lives of millions of people around the world.
Let us check out his story.
Leonard Gentine never had any plans for starting a business. But by sheer accident, he got to know about a new profession and started a business which was a failure. Later by another accident, he got the idea to start a cheese making business. He faced several problems but finally they succeeded and it became a billion dollar company.
Let us check out his story.